
Android Studio Update 离线升级

作者: momy 分类: 编程开发 0 Comment »
摘要:IllegalStateException: Can't deserialize target data of key 'IdeaAndroidProject'.

IllegalStateException: Can't deserialize target data of key 'IdeaAndroidProject'. Given class loaders: [PluginClassLoader[org.jetbrains.android, 10.0]]: Can't deserialize target data of key 'IdeaAndroidProject'. Given class loaders: [PluginClassLoader[org.jetbrains.android, 10.0]]



1. 从 http://tools.android.com/recent 找最新版本号如 0.1.8 (Build number: 130.725679)

或者从 http://dl.google.com/android/studio/patches/updates.xml  找最新版本号

2. 下载补丁 http://dl.google.com/android/studio/patches/AI-130.721168-130.725679-patch-win.jar

(syntax is "AI-$FROM-$TO-patch-unix.jar", where you get the from/to using the updates.xml file)

windows 对应为-win.jar

3. 进入android studio 目录X:\Android\android-studio安装

java -classpath AI-130.721168-130.725679-patch-win.jar com.intellij.updater.Runner install . ”

注意最后的 “.” 安装到当前目录

标签: IllegalStateException Android Studio Update 离线升级 阅读: 12509
上一篇: int转BitArray - 12775次
下一篇: android.os.BinderProxy cannot be cast to com. - 15293次
